
  • Rajinder kaur Physical Education Teacher, Navodaya vidyalaya samiti


Pre Competitive Anxiety, E-Education, School Going Children


36 subjects were included in the study. The age range of the subjects was 10-13 years as they were selected randomly from different schools of Punjab. Through both the critical and allied literature pertaining to the problem under consideration the variable selected for the study was pre competitive anxiety. The selection of this variable was also based on the feasibility criteria and the questionnaire available as well as the investigator’s own experience and expert suggestion in conducting the test. Through both the critical and allied literature pertaining to the problem under consideration the variable selected for the study was pre competitive anxiety. The selection of this variable was also based on the feasibility criteria and the questionnaire available as well as the investigator’s own experience and expert suggestion in conducting the test. To assess the pre competitive anxiety level of the player “Sports Competitive Anxiety Test” (SCAT) questionnaire produced by Rainer Martens, as used. Pre test and Post test data was recorded on the school going children in between the E –education of 6 weeks. Tabulation was done with the help of Microsoft excel & analysis was done by SPSS (20th version). t-test was used for data analysis at level of significance 0.05. Results indicates that a significant difference was found in the pre competitive anxiety among the School going Children with effect of E-Education.


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How to Cite

kaur, R. (2023). EFFECT OF E-EDUCATION ON PRE-COMPETITIVE ANXIETY IN THE SCHOOL GOING CHILDREN . International Journal of Behavioral Social and Movement Sciences, 12(02), 39–44. Retrieved from https://ijobsms.org/index.php/ijobsms/article/view/422