
  • Dr. Jagdeep Singh Extension Lecturer GNC Sirsa, Punjab, India
  • DR. DALJIT SINGH Asstt. Professor GCW Sirsa, Punjab, India
  • DR. GURNAM SINGH Associate Professor GNC Sirsa, Punjab, India




Bournout and Sports Personnel


Burnout is a common problem among sports personnel, including athletes, coaches, and other support staff. This research paper aims to explore the causes, effects, and prevention strategies of burnout in sports personnel. The paper reviews various studies conducted in this area, including cross-sectional, longitudinal, and experimental designs. The results suggest that burnout is a complex phenomenon that can be caused by various individual and environmental factors. It can have negative consequences on the mental and physical health of sports personnel, as well as their performance and job satisfaction. However, various prevention strategies, such as training interventions, social support, and mindfulness practices, can reduce the risk of burnout and improve the well-being of sports personnel.


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How to Cite

Singh, D. J., SINGH, D. D., & SINGH, D. G. (2023). BURNOUT IN SPORTS PERSONNELS: CAUSES, EFFECTS, AND PREVENTION STRATEGIES. International Journal of Behavioral Social and Movement Sciences, 12(01), 134–136. https://doi.org/10.55968/ijobsms.v12i01.425