
  • Dr. Sinku Kumar Singh Swami Ramanad Teerth Marathwada University Nanded(MS), India


Well being, Student, Medical Course and Mental Health


The present study undertaken to assessed the psychological well being of Indian and Thai medical students. For measure the Psychological well-being of the study, Mental Health Inventory prepared by Davies AR, Sherbourne CD, Peterson JR and Ware JE (1998) was used. The sample consisted of 250 Indian medical students and 250 Thai medical students were selected for the study. the result reveals significant difference of Psychological well- being was found between Indian and Thai medical students; Thai medical students was found to have got more Psychological well- being rather than Indian medical students. The result reveals significant difference of Psychological well- being (t=2.94p<, .05) was found between Indian and Thai medical students; Indian female students incur significantly less Psychological well- being as compared than Thai female students .


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How to Cite

Singh, D. S. K. (2015). PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING BETWEEN THAI AND INDIAN MEDICAL STUDENTS. International Journal of Behavioral Social and Movement Sciences, 4(4), 15–20. Retrieved from