work life balance, job satisfaction and Indian railways.Abstract
The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of job satisfaction on work life balance in Bilaspur zone. The data were collected keeping in consideration feature such as gender, age, qualification, department and experience. Factor involved are work life balance and job satisfaction with respect to difficulty balancing work and non work activities, personal life suffers because of work, family supports in my professional life, organisation understanding my private life needs, management has trust me related to my job, job strain and difficulty to fulfill family duties, due to heavy workload, long working hours.Researcher collected 387 responses to different department employees. Data were collected using primary sources. Primary data were collected through questionnaires. The data was analyzed using SPSS, test applied was correlation. The finding suggest that job satisfaction has impact on employee work life balance in Indian Railways non executive employees.This research can be beneficial for the Indian Railways to improve their policies, benefits program and pay structure to attract more capable candidates.
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