Consciousness, Teaching Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Psychological SymptomsAbstract
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of teaching mindfulness-based stress reduction in reducing psychological symptoms in male adolescents living in the dorms. This study is a quasi-experimental clinical research (pre-test, post-test with a control group). In March 1391, 30 individuals were randomly selected fromHedayatnight schools (in Saghez) and 30 others were selected from Marefat night school. Randomly one of these groups was selected as the experimental group (30 persons from MarefatSchool) and the other group was selected as the control group (30 persons from HedayatSchool). The experimental group took the MBSR (mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) Guide for eight sessions. SCL-90 questionnaires were performedon all subjects before and after the intervention. To analyze thedata, we used the covariance analyses.The results indicated that MBSR is effective in reducing psychological symptoms of anxiety, depression, Intellectual and practical obsession, somatic symptoms and hostility.
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