
  • Jessy Jacob Research Scholar, Guidance and Counselling, Mother Teresa Women’s University,Kodaikanal, India
  • Dr. V. Rajeswari Professor and Head, Dept. of Education, Mother Teresa Women’s University, Kodaikanal, India


spiritual intelligence, family dysfunction and spouses.


This study aimed at the analysis of the role of spiritual intelligence in families. . The Integrated spiritual intelligence scale and Family dysfunction inventory were administered to 544 spouses selected for the study. Results showed significant relationship between spiritual intelligence and family dysfunction. And further the results supported the importance of ‘education’ in determining one’s spiritual intelligence and family dysfunction. Implications of these results for ‘family apostolate centres’ are provided.


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How to Cite

Jacob, J., & Rajeswari, D. V. (2013). ROLE OF SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE IN FAMILIES: A STUDY AMONG SPOUSES. International Journal of Behavioral Social and Movement Sciences, 2(4), 63–76. Retrieved from